Remember that the who recommends boiling all water and using the hot water to reconstitute the formula to kill bacteria that could be lurking in the formula itself.
Baby drinking bottled water abroad.
It is best to follow the advice of your baby s doctor when it comes to the type and amount of water that your baby needs but in general it s best to choose bottled water.
It will remove any bad smells or tastes and reduce chlorine.
If you re travelling abroad with your baby you can continue to give your baby her usual formula milk.
But it will also go one step further.
If you are searching for a type of water to use in order to mix your baby s formula or simply wondering what kind of water you can give your baby to drink you may wonder which types of bottled water are best for him 1.
I always find two or three brands in any supermarket that have it although i m sure little one would be fine drinking any by now.
About a million bottles are bought every minute not only by thirsty tourists but also by many of the 2 1 billion worldwide who live with unsafe drinking water.
Hence while tap water may work in some places abroad the dismal quality of water in the country makes it a poor alternative for your little one.
If you need to opt for the bottled water route low sodium brands include beyoz and font vella or look for other labels which specify that they are suitable for babies.
The best water purifier bottle will do everything that a water bottle with filter for travel does.
In addition to talking with your baby s doctor the aap also recommends checking with your local health department to find out if you can use unboiled tap water in your baby s bottle.
Even if you re certain that the tap water is safe to drink always run the tap first before using it.
It s really easy to tell as abroad they have a tiny picture of a baby bottle or teat on the back or sometimes the front.
This is because the tap water in other countries may not always be as clean as the water here in the uk.
Unless you have a water purifier at home boiled bottle water is the next best alternative for your baby.
A travel water purifier bottle is able to eliminate a whole host of hidden nasties.
However it may be best to use bottled water instead of tap water to make up a feed.
Close to the coast you may find it has a very high level of calcium so check before you travel.
If you re travelling abroad with your baby you can continue to give your baby her usual formula milk.
The drinking water is generally safe in developed areas such as mainland europe and the us but don t drink it if you re at all unsure.
This is because the tap water in other countries may not always be as clean as the water here in the uk.